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Frequently asked questions

Here you can read the most commonly asked questions we get.


Are you actively doing investments?

Yes, we invest in our active ventures and we are always looking for great ideas that
can create the next climate tech unicorn.


What is the typical investment amount?

We have done investments from 10K in euros up to 150K in euros. It always depends on the founders will to commit, invest and work with the venture together with us.


How can we get in touch to pitch our company?

Send us a message on this page and describe in short the idea that you want to pitch. If we find it interesting we will get back to you. Sometimes we will forward you to another VC firm or Angels that we see fit better.


Are you open for partnership?

Yes, we are always seeking for new partners to grow our reach and our goals. We are now looking for global partnerships to find global climate tech VC firms that invets in circular companies.