Stafe Group AB

Stafe Group creates, invests and run impact startups in Sweden since 2021

about us

About Stafe Group

We are a small and effective investment company with a great team onboard. We have invested in startups and created some really cool SAAS businesses in Sweden since 2021.

Get in touch
Capital invested
Team members
Years of experience

Our approach

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We discover innovations through our network or we innovate in-house. We take it in and we discuss within our advisory board and they decide if the idea should be moved to the research step.

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We will do a deep research about the idea and the market for the idea. If the idea is scalable on a international scale regarding market reach we can proceed. But we do only invest if the companies can run with a small footprint, both regarding staffing and environmental impact.

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We invest between € 10K and up to € 100K in our companies together with our own capital and with external partners. In some cases we co-invest together with other companies to make a more solid impact. All our investments are made to make the companies profitable within one year and ready for exit in three to five years.


Industries we invest in

Impact- & Climate Tech

We prefer to invest and build companies within climate tech. Innovations that can contribute to a better place is what we strive for.

Time saving applications

If not pure climate tech we can invest in time saving applications. Those applications will also in some way use less energy and time. Here we find a lot of the ideas coming in to us.

Software as a Service

We invest in SAAS companies that have a global reach and do not increase the consumption of energy or environment. All SAAS needs to run on green hosting.


Our team

We have been lucky to put together a diversified team that work great together creating solid businesses. Do you want to be a part of our team? Contact us, we always look for talents to bring on our team.